Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Good ultrasound news

My ultrasound revealed nothing on the left side - a great relief. I will have a consult with plastic surgery (just in case) tomorrow night. Will have to decide soon about the type of surgery/treatment to have.

This darn cold - since I started on a new antibiotic yesterday, I was hoping for a dramatic improvement today, but that hasn't really happened. I cut out dairy yesterday (almond milk is good, I think - can't really taste anything right now) and drank a hot tomato tea all day (V8, garlic, lemon juice, cayenne, and hot sauce-all you can handle). I think those two things have done as much to provide relief as anything. Symptoms are better today which is a relief, since I haven't been able to breathe for several days. And breathing is kind of important, unless you're a fish. So I may not have a sinus infection, just a bad cold, but since it's my third cold since December 9th, and since I'm prone to developing sinus infections, and since I've already started the antibiotics, I'm going to finish them.

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