Thursday, July 31, 2008

Prevention news - from Dr. Andrew Weil

Resveratrol May Prevent Breast Cancer

It’s still much too soon to say for sure, but new research suggests that resveratrol, the antioxidant found in red wine, the skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries and cranberries, may have a role to play in breast cancer prevention. Laboratory studies indicate that resveratrol can slow the formation of abnormal cells that leads to most types of breast cancer. Breast cancer often begins when estrogen interacts with DNA molecules to set a process of cell transformation in motion, which eventually leads to the disease. Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center measured the effect of different doses of resveratrol and found that even amounts as low as you would get in a glass of wine did the trick. In addition to its effect on abnormal cell formation, resveratrol increased production of an enzyme that inactivates dangerous estrogen metabolites, possibly further decreasing breast cancer risk. So far, all of this has happened only in the test-tube. No one knows if resveratrol will have similar effect in humans. The study was published in the July 2008 issue of Cancer Prevention Research.

Note from Marcia: If this were the case, I'd have thought I'd be immune.... I quit drinking about 6 years ago - maybe that was my mistake! ;)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Radiation - 1 of 30

To those of you who actually check this site for updates - my apologies. Just haven't felt like blogging. Had my last chemo infusion on June 26. Have been gradually getting my strength back with a couple of setbacks. Felt ill for a few days last week. Have some anemia. Also have steroid myopathy - an atrophy of my leg muscles from the steroids I was taking for chemo. My thigh muscles are very weak and it makes it difficult for me to stand, climb, even bend or straighten my legs. Doc says this should ease up in time.

Had my first radiation treatment today. Treatments will be daily (M-F) for 6 weeks. Takes about 10 minutes total. I lie on a metal table and receive two radiation doses, one from each side. I'm likely to experience some skin reaction (like a sunburn) starting in a couple of weeks and am using products to help alleviate or prevent the burning.

Also started taking Tamoxifen today. This is a drug which prohibits my body's production of estrogen, which feeds my particular type of cancer. I will take this daily for at least three years, at which time I will likely be switched to a drug called Femara, which I'll take for another two years at least.

The good news - and there is a lot of it - is that I'm feeling stronger all the time. I'm getting my sense of taste back. I have a little bit of hair on my head. I haven't noticed any negative reactions to the Tamoxifen. Not sure yet about the radiation, since that was just an hour ago.

Anyway, the poem posted below which I found today was particularly meaningful to me because I know I have lots of support from many realms. I want to say "thank you" to the many friends who are supporting me right now. It means so much to me to know you're there.

The Warrior

For surely you did not choose this battle.
Rather it chose you.
And standing on the edge of what
you cannot escape is most tormenting.
But take one final breath before the plunge.
And charge forward -
knowing that you go not alone,
but in might company of all who stand ready to fight at your side.
And knowing that where your spirit is weakened,
there you will find untold strength.
Where your heart is fearful,
there you will find immeasurable courageousness.
And where your soul is mired in darkness,
there you will find the most penetrating light,
the most powerful beacon showing you the way.

Mark Peters, Copyright 2005